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QR Code Project - Pembrokeshire Youth Service

Pembrokeshire Youth Homelessness Team work with young people, housing providers and support services, to promote a better understanding of a number of housing issues and contributing factors relating to youth tenancy breakdowns and homelessness.

The QR Code project involves young people, working in partnership with other stakeholders, to produce materials (often videos) that can be easily accessed through smart devices (via QR codes); offering additional information, advice and guidance in a clear, understandable, relatable way. The project also looks to ensure literacy issues are addressed, 'jargon’ is translated and to proactively reduce the level of anxiety experienced when young people receive 'formal' correspondence, with information being delivered by young people themselves. These QR codes have, to date, been hosted on a number of materials including formal letters sent out from the local authority Housing Department, information cards and info graphics.

The judges noted that the digital work within this project had also provided opportunities for young people to gain transferable skills that will be so useful for future employment, as well as life skills and being empowered to make a difference to the lives of others.