Mahieddine Dib: EYST

Mahieddine volunteers at an EYST youth group in Wrexham. He is a key member of the team with a positive approach that is warm, friendly and welcoming to all. His role includes ensuring young people all register each week and he greets every young person individually, taking the time to ‘check in’.
A fluent Arabic speaker, his experience has been invaluable in welcoming new Arabic-speaking young people and their families to the area. Mahieddine informally educates young people on the small things that can make a huge difference - sharing support options that have benefitted him, sharing opportunities that young people are interested in, signposting, and generally being a friendly face and ally. He uses culturally sensitive and inclusive approaches to educate and empower the young people he supports.
Mahieddine is hugely committed and adapts exceptionally well to the needs of the group. He is involved across the range of EYST projects. Following a successful application for a £1k AVOW Youth-Led Grant, he recently planned and delivered a project to provide a free meal at a restaurant for vulnerable ethnic minority families new to Wrexham, who were delighted to make new connections and friendships. Judges were impressed with the positive impact that Mahieddine is having on the young people he works with, also commending his dedication to learning and sharing his experiences for the benefit of others.