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Cardiff Youth Service (Ely & Caerau youth work team)

The Ely & Caerau Youth Action Network, led by the Cardiff Youth Service’s Ely & Caerau Youth Work Team and a diverse network of partners have joined forces to empower young people aged 11-25 through the Youth Action Group. United by a common goal of amplifying young voices, eliminating service duplication and fostering safe spaces, this collaborative effort paints a lovely picture of community spirit in action. Partnering with organisations like Western Leisure, South Wales Police, and post-16 institutions, they create a mix of opportunities for young people, from co-created workshops and events to international youth exchanges.

By working together, the network navigated challenging times like the ‘Ely riots’, ensuring young people’s needs were met even during difficult circumstances. Additionally, grant support obtained through the network empowered partners like Western Leisure Centre to offer subsidized activities, drawing enthusiastic participation. Likewise, community groups expanded their reach through strong network connections, engaging more young people in enriching activities.

“Ever since I came to North Ely Youth Centre, I’ve become a better version of myself. This place started my career in music, and Jess always guided me in the right direction. Jess and the NEYC changed my life.” This sentiment resonates throughout the network, where young people actively shape their own journeys and discover hidden talents.