Local authorities annually provide data about people receiving social services and about their social services departments.
Children receiving care and support census

Census 2024-25 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 279 KB
279 KB
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Census 2023-24 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 456 KB
456 KB
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Census 2023-24 form , file type: XLSX, file size: 13 KB
13 KB
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Children looked after census

2024-25 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 329 KB
329 KB
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2023-24 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 504 KB
504 KB
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2023-24 form , file type: XLSX, file size: 15 KB
15 KB
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Adults receiving care and support census

2024-25 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 257 KB
257 KB
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2023-24 guidance , file type: PDF, file size: 418 KB
418 KB
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2023-24 form , file type: XLSX, file size: 15 KB
15 KB
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Social services activity and performance improvement framework
The guidance defines the metrics for measuring activity and performance.
Adults: Social Services Performance and Improvement Framework, 2023-24 , file type: XLSX, file size: 2 MB
2 MB
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Children: Social Services Performance and Improvement Framework, 2023-24 , file type: XLSX, file size: 938 KB
938 KB
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StatsWales website
Sharing information with the Welsh Government and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Privacy notices explain how information is shared with the Welsh Government, specifically with the children receiving care and support census and the looked after children data collections.