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We have several grants which provide funding towards woodland creation and development.

First published:
23 March 2022
Last updated:

Woodland Creation Planning Scheme

Free Advice on Woodland Creation

There is a free ‘pre-application service’ available from Natural Resources Wales. It offers information about the suitability of your land for woodland creation. 

To access free advice or for further information, email:

After receiving pre-application advice you are able to apply to the Woodland Creation Planning Scheme. 

This offers financial support for new woodland creation plans. The scheme:

  • offers financial support of between £1,000 and £5,000
  • enables the use of a registered woodland planner to develop a new woodland plan

The scheme is open for Expressions of Interest throughout the year. Selection is undertaken monthly. 

Once a woodland creation plan has been written, you can apply for a Woodland Creation Grant.

Woodland Creation Grants

These schemes support woodland creation by farmers and land managers.

There are two types of grant available:

  • Small Grants - Woodland Creation Scheme: for support to plant areas up to 2 hectares
  • Woodland Creation Grants: for support to plant larger areas of woodland

The funding will help farmers get ready for the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme.   

Woodland Creation Grant scheme

The Woodland Creation Grant scheme supports farmers and landowners to plant:

  • larger areas of woodland over 2 Ha, and
  • areas that are not suitable for the Small Grants Woodland Creation scheme

It provides financial support for:

  • tree planting
  • fencing
  • maintenance, and
  • premium payments (compensation for loss of agricultural income) 

You must have a Woodland Creation Plan before you can apply. Funding for a plan is available through the Woodland Creation Planning Scheme. 

There is now one window open until 22 November 2024. It will open in March each year and run until November, or until the allocated budget has been committed. Selection will be run monthly. 

Small Grants - Woodland Creation Scheme

You do not need a Woodland Creation Plan to apply for Small Grants – Woodland Creation Scheme

This scheme supports farmers and landowners to plant trees on land that is less than 2 hectares and: 

  • agriculturally improved, or 
  • of low environmental value

It provides financial support for:

  • tree planting
  • fencing
  • maintenance, and
  • premium payments (compensation for loss of agricultural income).  

There are several windows for applications throughout the year: Rural schemes: application dates. 

​​​​​​​The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG)

The Woodland Investment Grant (TWIG) has closed to new applications. It provided financial support for people to: 

  • create new woodlands 
  • enhance and expand existing woodlands 

in accordance with the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) (on

The woodlands needed to have the potential to be part of the National Forest network in the future. 

Coetiroedd Bach (Tiny Forests)

The Coetiroedd Bach Grant has closed to new applications. 

This scheme provided financial support for people to create tiny forests. These woodlands had the potential to be part of the National Forest network in the future. This means woodlands that: 

  • are well-managed 
  • are accessible to people 
  • give local communities the opportunity to get involved in woodlands and nature 

​​​​​​​Woodland Restoration Scheme

The Woodland Restoration Scheme has closed to new applications.  

The scheme offered financial support  to replant:

  • woodlands infected by Phytophthora Ramorum 
  • areas of larch felled to help slow the spread of the disease