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About TermCymru

TermCymru is a collection of the terms used by Welsh Government translators in their everyday work.

Here is a summary of TermCymru’s main features:

Fields in TermCymru
For each term in TermCymru you will find details of the subject, part of speech and status. For some terms you will also find a definition, a contextual sentence and/or usage notes. This is more likely in the case of more recent terms.

An explanation of the status regime, and of all the fields in TermCymru, can be found in the relevant pages on the right.

Updating TermCymru
Terms are regularly added to the TermCymru termbank. It is gradually building to be a substantial database of standardized and up-to-date terms used in the various fields of the Government’s operation. 

TermCymru is now updated automatically once a week, in the early hours of Friday.

Remember you can also download the entire contents of TermCymru from the META-SHARE website. 

Other records in TermCymru
As well as terms, TermCymru includes many other types of records which may be of use to translators such as names, titles, phrases and segments.

An explanation of the meaning of the word ‘term’, and the purpose of standardizing terms, can be found on the page about the meaning of ‘term’ and ‘terminology standardization’.