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We manage 2 devolved taxes designed and made for Wales to help raise vital funds to support Welsh public services like the NHS and schools, in communities across Wales.

Since 1 April 2018, we’ve collected and managed 2 devolved taxes on behalf of Welsh Government:

These taxes replaced Stamp Duty Land Tax and Landfill Tax in Wales.

Our overall purpose is to:

  • design and deliver Welsh national revenue services
  • lead the better use of Welsh taxpayer data for Wales

How we work with our customers

Our Approach

We’re committed to helping deliver a fair tax system for Wales through what we call ‘Our Approach’, a Welsh way of doing tax. By working together with solicitors and conveyancers, partners, taxpayers, and the public, we make sure taxes are collected efficiently and effectively.

Our Approach is defined by these 3 Welsh terms:

  • ‘Cydweithio’ means ‘to work together’ and carries a sense of working towards a common goal
  • ‘Cardarnhau’ suggests a solid, robust quality that can be relied on. This is about providing certainty, being accurate and reinforcing trust
  • ‘Cywiro’ literally means ‘returning to the truth’ and is about the way we work with you to resolve errors or concerns

This approach is inspired by ‘Our Charter’ based on our values and behaviours to reflect how we work with:

  • each other
  • our taxpayers
  • representatives
  • partner organisations

Guidance and services

We design, develop, and deliver bilingual, paperless, digital-first tax services to meet people’s needs across Wales.

Our specialists offer bespoke support, guidance and reassurance end-to-end to help people pay the right tax at the right time.

Find out more about our guidance and services.

In March 2023, the Minister for Finance and Local Government, asked us to explore how to implement a visitor levy for Wales. Read more about our visitor levy discovery

We also work with Natural Resources Wales to support Landfill Disposals Tax.

How we work together

Our people and values

We’re a people-led organisation that’s digital and data-enabled, with more than 80 members of staff. Our talent, skills, and experience span 14 different professions.

At our best, we work together in a way that’s innovative, collaborative, and kind.

We’re committed to equality and diversity and proud to be:

Find out more about what it’s like to work with us in our latest People Survey.

Our organisation is led by Chief Executive, Dyfed Alsop. We have a leadership team (Tîm Arwain) and a Service Delivery Leadership Group made up of heads of teams.

Our board has executive and non-executive members. They ensure we have the right governance and resources to manage the taxes we collect. They're accountable to the Senedd and Welsh Ministers.

Our priorities

We base everything we do on our Corporate Plan 2022 to 2025. This sets out our purpose, strategic objectives, and longer-term ambitions.

We report on our work annually. See our latest:

Corporate information